Monday, November 26, 2012

Using Article Marketing To Increase Your Blog/Website's Reach

Blogging is about getting people to your website, interacting with them through your blog, and building a relationship with them.

Blogs are also great for SEO purposes, and as such, SEO is one of the main ways that blogs attract their traffic.

When you read articles advising you on making your blog better, you will see the word 'reach' quite often.

Put simply, your reach is your audience; the people who are listening to what you have to say at any one time.

So if you want to increase your reach, what can you do? Well, there are a whole multitude of strategies you could implement to increase your reach, such as building up your followers on Social Media, ensuring that your blog posts are optimised properly for the right keywords, the list goes on...

But what we're going to talk about today is Article Marketing, and how you can use Article Marketing to increase your blog's reach/audience.

Quickly, a bit about Article Submission sites. These sites are used by two different types of people:

1 - The Authors.

2 - The Re-Publishers. The Re-Publishers are usually people/businesses stuck for content, and looking for something interesting to include in their blog/newsletter etc.

When a Re-Publisher re-publishes your article, there are certain rules they must abide by. For example, they are not aloud to change the article's content (for most article submission sites, there are bound to be some exceptions to this rule), and some article submission sites give you the option of including an 'Author Resource Box' - See below for explanation.

Now, there are three different ways that Article Marketing helps you to increase your reach.

1 - Author Resource Box: On most Article Submission sites, when you submit your article to them, you have the option of including an Author Resource Box. This is the Re-Publisher's way of giving you credit for your work, and in it, you can include links back to your own blog/website. Now this works to your benefit in two ways. #1, if you include links in your Author Resource Box linking back to your website (especially using your keywords as anchor text), you will benefit from high-quality links back to your website. #2, your links are on the Re-Publisher's website, so as long as the article & Author Resource Box stay live, there is always potential for additional traffic.

2 - Readers: Most Article Submission sites on the internet are huge, and have what Google would call an 'authoritative domain', meaning that they are more likely to display in Search Results than a website with low domain authority. If your articles are well optimised for SEO, if you can't get your website to rank for your keywords, your article may be able to if placed on an authoritative Article Submission site. This, combined with the Article Submission site's regular readers & subscribers, means additional reach for you.

3 - Re-Publishers: Probably the best way that Article Marketing can help you to increase your blog/website's Reach is through your articles being re-published by other users of the Article Submission site. Re-Publishers are generally individuals/businesses who are stuck for ideas for content, or simply looking for something a bit different for their newsletter/blog. The benefit of your article(s) being republished are two-fold; not only are you putting yourself in front of this person's audience, and giving them a way to find you (your Author Resource Box), but all the time, you are also helping your own website's SEO efforts with high-quality backlinks pointing back to your website.

So there you have it; just 3 of the ways that Article Marketing can help you to increase your blog/website's Reach.

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