Making money online may seem appealing in most people's eyes. Especially, since our economy seems to be in a real rut right now. But in truth, it can be a stressful and monotonous task.
First of all, your income isn't set like a regular paycheck, at least not at the beginning. Your income fluctuates daily. Furthermore, you have to constantly update websites, listing strategies, and other marketing components, that may seem overwhelming to the average person. Which is why people are usually put off at the thought of working in this industry. Having a regular job and knowing exactly when your next check is coming is just safer and more consistent.
Making money online is like going to the gym. When starting, you're motivated and excited to improve your well being. First couple of weeks you hit the gym hard and you're really getting into it. But then there is going to be those days when you don't feel like working out. In the back of your mind, you know you're suppose to go. If you can just physically make yourself walk in the entrance of the gym and do your first set, you know you'll finish the workout. At this point you have to decide, do I just say "whatever" and make an excuse to just workout tomorrow, or do I suck it up and do my daily routine.
With the first choice you usually stop working out less and less, up until the point were you lose interest. On the other hand, if you stick with it, eventually you will start to see results and in the end you'll know your hard work was worth it.
Do you see the similarities? Working online is exactly the same. You are faced with these mental tests everyday to see if you have what it takes to succeed online. That means grinding through those long hours in front of computer. Making mistake after mistake, until finding a solution. But by pushing through these barriers, eventually you'll start seeing results. You make your first sale, find out what works, and rinse and repeat. Eventually, you'll start to make enough money to where you can outsource your tedious tasks and you become an employer of somebody else. Let me tell you, there is nothing better than being your own boss.
But like I said, this industry isn't for everybody. You have to decide if you want a job or a business, there is a difference. A job is safer and more consistent. But if you can get through the harsh stages of online businesses, you can make more money with less effort than you could with a regular job. This is not to steer you one way or another, I'm just speaking out of experience of being at both ends. Personally, I love being on the business end.
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